How to split audio channels with dual monitors using VoiceMeeter Banana

JST4R Gaming
5 min readMay 10, 2023


Objective: Split the audio coming from my computer so that my left monitor only outputs sounds from the left channel and my right monitor only outputs sounds from the right channel.

Step 0: Setup

  • 2 Monitors with speakers that supports 2 channels of sounds — if you are not sure, check your sound settings from Control panel
Control Panel > Sound > Select playback device > Properties > Supported Formats

Step 1: Install VoiceMeeter Banana

Download the latest copy of VoiceMeeter Banana and install it

Step 2: Setup monitors

Make sure the volume on your monitors are the same, for simplicity, I have it cranked to 100 for everything

If you are using the same monitor, I think VoiceMeeter Banana gets confused because it shares the same name so go Control Panel then Sound and append “-Left” and “-Right” to each playback device (or A/B, 1/2 etc) via the Properties

Step 3: Setup your inputs and outputs

Switch your audio output on all your applications/games/desktop to point to VoiceMeeter Input (VB-Audio VoiceMeeter VAIO)

For good measure, you can also switch your default playback device on Windows to VoiceMeeter so any other applications will route through this in the future

Control Panel > Sound

Step 4: Configure VoiceMeeter Banana

ngl, probably the most confusing part but here’s a brain dead guide with quick explainers

Step 4a: Output devices

First step is you need to select which devices you want VoiceMeeter Banana to output audio to, VoiceMeeter Banana gives you 3 output options called A1, A2 and A3. I used the below configuration

A1 > Left Monitor
A2 > Right Monitor
A3 > Headphones (Optional)

A1 > Left Monitor
A2 > Right Monitor
A3 > Headpones

Step 4b: Route audio to outputs

Once those are set, toggle on A1, A2 and A3 under Voicemeeter VAIO under Virtual Inputs — this will route all audio going to VoiceMeeter Input (Step 3) into all the devices you selected above in A1, A2 and A3.

Virtual Inputs settings

Step 4c: Test and adjust

Before testing, I normally restart the audio engine just incase.

Protip: If for some reason you hear nothing when using VoiceMeeter in general, this normally does the trick to get it working again — classic reboot.

Restart Audio Engine

Now play a video or song and you’ll hear sound coming from both monitors and headphones. You can play around with VoiceMeeter Banana here to adjust volumes (Slide down the fader gain on the audio coming from the PC via the virtual inputs, or slide down the fader gain on each output device)

Tweak until volumes sound good

Step 5: Isolate left and right channels

Here comes the final piece of the puzzle, you want to make it so A1 only plays left channel audio and A2 only play right channel audio and A3 to play both channels for your headpones.

We’re going to achieve this by manipulating the equaliser to snuff out Channel 1 (Left) or Channel 2 (Right) depending on output

Step 5a: Left Monitor

The goal here is to keep channel 1 untouched so it continues to blast left audio and put right audio from channel 2 to sleep forever…

  • Right click EQ on A1 and it’ll bring up te EQPro-G6 BUS A1 window
  • Select channel 2 at the top
  • There at 6 sets of settings, you want to make them all the same (20 Hz, -12db, 0.3 Q and select the last button along the right)
  • Settings all save automatically as you change it so just close equaliser window when you’re done

Protip: If you make any mistakes, just press FLAT on the top left and it’ll reset everything

Final result for A1 equaliser

Step 5b: Right Monitor

Same as step 5a but we want to kill off channel 1. Right click EQ on A2 to get starated

Final result for A2 equaliser

Step 6: Activate and test

Moment of truth! Left click EQ on A1 and A2 to activate it

Blue = Activated

I used this youtube video to test left/right sounds

And done! Good luck and I hope the steps helped you out.


Q: I want to switch back to full stereo on my monitors, how do I do that?
A: Just left click EQ on each monitor and it’ll disable the equaliser, this will allow both channels of audio to start flowing back to the monitor

A1 will play stereo sound, A2 will only play right channel sound

Q: I want to turn off my monitor sound and only listen via headphones, how do I do that?
A: Disable A1 and A2 from your virtual inputs so no sound routes to your monitors and leave A3 active.

Only A3 active

If you had problems setting this up or any questions in general, drop in the comments and I'll response back with an answer hopefully



JST4R Gaming
JST4R Gaming

Written by JST4R Gaming


Gamer dad and tech enthusiast | Currently playing: Assetto Corsa | Catch me on

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